
IceBear users can be put into usergroups. Usergroups, in turn, can be given permissions on projects.

Some special groups are used to grant additional privileges to key users.

Special usergroups

The "Everyone" usergroup contains all registered users. New users are automatically added to this group.

The "Administrators" usergroup contains users who are allowed to administer the application. They can run system updates, and can see all data and perform any action. Be very careful about who you add to this usergroup.

The "Shippers" usergroup contains users who are allowed to send shipments to the synchrotron.

The "Supervisors" usergroup contains all users who are assigned as supervisor to at least one user. Membership is managed automatically, but you can add users to this group.

The "Technicians" usergroup has some special permissions throughout the application.

Creating a usergroup

From the main menu, select Create a usergroup. Or, from the list of usergroups, click the Create new... link in the page header.

The usergroup creation page.

Give your new usergroup a name, and write a brief description.

You can decide who can see the usergroup. If you choose Visible, any logged-in user can see that the usergroup exists. Members only means that the group cannot be seen by anyone outside the group. Hidden means that even members of the group don't know that it exists.

You can also decide who can see the membership of the usergroup (assuming that the group visibility setting allows them to see the group). If you choose Visible, anyone who can see the group can see who is in it. Members only means that only the group members can see who else is in the group. Hidden means that even members of the group don't know who else is in the group.

Click Create to create the usergroup. You will see the new usergroup's page.

Viewing and managing a usergroup

Depending on your permissions, some or all of this view will be editable. For some special usergroups, the name and description cannot be changed.

The usergroup page, showing the group members.

Basic details

These are as described in "Creating a usergroup" above, with two extra fields. Members of the group may have permission to create projects and/or usergroups.

The Members tab

This tab shows all the members of the usergroups. Some members may be shown as group admins; they have the right to manage the group membership.

If you are an IceBear administrator, or are a member of this usergroup with group admin privileges, you can add or remove members and grant or remove group admin privileges.

The Permissions tab

The usergroup page, showing the group's project permissions.

This tab shows the group's project permissions. Note that this may not be complete; if you don't have permission to see a project, it won't appear here.

Depending on your privileges, you may be able to edit these permissions for some or all projects shown. It's recommended that you give the usergroup either just Read or all of Read, Create, Update, and Delete. A future version of IceBear will simplify this tab.